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uTorrent Pro - Torrent App

uTorrent Pro – Torrent App 8.2.20 APK
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uTorrent Pro – Torrent App – a quality torrent client for Android. With this app, you can upload the content of the so-called torrent trackers, databases where you can find a lot of movies, music, games, books, and other interesting content. The development is a famous company BitTorrent, Inc., which for many years supported the release of their offspring for personal computers.

Mobile UI is fully consistent with the concept of Material Design. Swipe from left to right opens a menu that contains tabs Torrentns, library, auto search files, and a shortcut to settings. The top panel is a link to search for torrents and menu to add magnet links.

The main part of the screen uTorrent Pro – Torrent App is reserved for the list of distributions. As in the desktop version, displays current download speed and efficiency, the time remaining until the end of the download, the file name and a beautiful indicator that shows the percentage of file upload. In application settings you can enable the battery saving, which disables the active hand, when the program is in the background.

In addition, you can activate the ability to download only on Wi-Fi, set a limit on the download speed and efficiency, and enable auto-start when you turn on the device. uTorrent Pro – Torrent App is considered the best torrent client for smartphones and tablets thanks to the convenient interface, wide range of settings, as well as high stability of the application.

uTorrent Pro – Torrent App 8.2.20 APK
Download  uTorrent Pro – Torrent App 8.2.20 APK 
